Inspired by the fact that we have to make a colourful shrine for our next theatre performance at
Boomtown Festival (I run my own theatre company, the Lab Collective. Check us out
here.), I decided to make some colourful tissue paper poms but first I had to learn how to make them. So after looking at several tutorials on
Pinterest I got my materials together and made my own.
* Large sheet of tissue paper (any colour!)
* Scissors
* Some thread/wool/string
* Jewelled stickers (optional)
Step 1
Fold you tissue paper in half once, then in half again and then in half again and cut along all the folds to create multiple sheets of tissue paper.
(If you want smaller poms then fold in half more times before cutting and if you want bigger poms fold in half less!)
Step 2
Fold your sheets into an accordion stack and then tie the thread around the middle to hold it in place.
Step 3
Cut a rounded edge on both ends of the accordion stack. You could also cut pointy edges if you'd prefer or whatever shape you like as it just gives a different look to your pom. You also don't need to be too perfect about it as it I think it makes the pom more interesting when it's all not exactly perfect!
Step 4
Pull each layer of tissue paper up and out one layer at a time until you have a fluffy circle.
Step 5
I wanted to experiment with decorating my pom this time so I added some jewelled stickers and a fancy ribbon (which I just tied around over the thread and had to 're-fluff' the tissue after to get back the shape!) to hang it and tah-dah! Pom complete!
Hope you all enjoyed my pom making tutorial and please do send me pictures of your own makes via twitter @Tiddlybobs