Crafty fun times!

Well it's been a crafty week this week! First off I had to make some props for a drama club show. Well I didn't have to, I chose to! I facilitate a drama club for 5-6 year olds once a week and at the end of each term we do a little showing for the parents. This term it was all about space so the kids performed a short poem all about the planets in our solar system. 

I printed colouring book sheets of each of the planets from and gave them to the kids to colour in. I then took them away, cut them out and using masking tape to attach them to wooden skewers. 

This week I also made my first attempt at paper cutting and made a Secret Garden bookmark. I cut the shape of the keyhole out in white card and stuck it on top of flowery paper to give the illusion of a garden through the keyhole. 

I then stuck more white card on the back and added a purple ribbon. I didn't like the finished product as the keyhole is not as symmetrical as I would have like so I'll use a stencil next time! I also didn't think the paper did what I wanted it to so I'll draw the garden behind next time I think! 

I also finished a project I've been working on since the New Year but I'll tell you more about that one after Easter! 

How to make a pinhole camera

This morning all parts of the UK will experience a partial solar eclipse (the best since 1999 apparently!) but experts have been warning to not look directly at the sun when it happens so what should you do so that you don't miss this wonderful spectacle? Make a pinhole camera of course! 

What you need:

  • A Cereal Box
  • Tinfoil
  • A scissors
  • White paper
  • Sellotape
  • Something to make your hole 

Firstly, cut out a piece of white paper and sellotape it to the bottom of your cereal box. This will make it easier to see the projected image of the eclipse. 

Next, cut two slots either side of your cereal box and tape the middle together. 

Cover one of the slots with tinfoil. 

I then used a needle to poke a hole in my tinfoil but the size doesn't really matter so you can vary the size with anything you have to hand. 

And there you have it. All you have to do is bring your camera out and face your pinhole in the direction of the sun while you look into the box through the other opening - you should then see the projected image of the eclipse not he white paper. 

Unfortunately, for me, there were too many clouds so my pinhole camera never got used! All I saw was a cloudy sky change to a slightly darker cloudy sky! 

If you want to see what it would have looked out please check out this tutorial from Hilaroad which I followed to create mine. 

Kiss me I'm Irish

As we all know the day when people all over the world celebrate the fact that Irish people are the best  as an excuse to get very drunk, tell some stories and have a dance, is fast approaching. I always seem to end up working or involved in something that prevents me from celebrating and this year is no different but if, unlike me, you are more prepared and have booked the day off then here are a few more ideas on how you can make it even more fun!

Well, first of all, you have to be looking your best for the parade! Sure the whole town will be out!  This awesome clover crown from one of my favourite sites Oh Happy Day will make sure you're looking your best as well as sticking with the theme. 

Once you've got your look sorted then you'll need to focus on your luck! You'll need a lot to get you through this marathon of a day so why not make these bags of gold created by Patti from Celebrations? They are super cute and include chocolate so I don't see what's not to love. 

Now that we've got those out of the way, on to the important stuff - the drink. These edible cups from  Lovely Indeed mean that, not only are you getting a taste of the Irish fuel but, by eating them, they're also providing the necessary soakage so that you can carry on drinking. A full proof plan. 

And you can make your drink even more festive by making these Shamrock Straw toppers; another awesome  project from Martha Stewart. 

And if you're stuck no what you should drink, try out some of these cocktails - all Irish themed, obviously. Cocktail making is craft to learn all in itself so you'd be killing two birds with one stone. 

And when you've had enough to drink and start seeing tiny men then this leprechaun trap from Lia Griffith will be just what you need so set it up before you go out! 

If none of these ideas tickle your fancy then head over to the Tiddlybob's Pinterest board where there are lots more. 

Happy St. Patricks Day!!